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Antiretroviral therapy was assigned to patients as of 1 January, , among whom received the therapy, including adults men, women , and children males, 55 females. The main strategic focus of this programme was to establish a legal framework conducive to ensuring universal access to prevention, treatment, and care and support the implementation of preventive programmes and access to HIV services for all groups, especially for the most vulnerable; ARV therapy, treatment of opportunistic diseases such as tuberculosis: palliative care, treatment and care for people living with HIV PLHIV , the integration of services for the treatment of HIV infection in the structure of primary health care PHC to improve access and the quality of care and reduce stigma, provision of social support for PLHIV, improving surveillance systems, the monitoring and evaluation of preventive measures, and the improvement of the bio-behavioural surveillance survey BBS of the spread of HIV infection. Мастерство наших корней Ее работы всегда восхищают Вот так все и было День города. Казахстан и Кыргызстан в настоящее время рассматривают варианты структурных и институциональных рамок их органов по мониторингу наркоситуации. In accordance with Article of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the illegal manufacture, acquisition, possession, transportation, or shipment of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in small amounts without intent to sell, committed within one year after the application of administrative penalties for the same act, is punishable by community service for from one hundred to two hundred and forty hours, or a fine of up to fifty calculation units,2 the restraint of liberty for a term not exceeding two years, or imprisonment. Играйте в игры Смотрите видео Публикуете фотографии Общайтесь на форуме Расписание автобусы пригородные, междугородние, поезда маршрутные такси. A third OST centre was opened in Khorog in May , where, at the end of , 44 patients had received opioid substitution therapy. The results of sentinel surveillance of HIV in Kazakhstan. Olivier Ferrando. The list of substances consisted of the 11 most common drugs and the imaginary drug relevin. В Узбекистане предположение Управления ООН по наркотикам и преступности с года которое узбекские эксперты и органы считают преувеличенным указывает 2,7 ПИНов на тысячу жителей, что в любом случае является низшим числом из всех четырех стран Средней Азии охваченных проектом.

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All state bodies, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, regardless of ownership, and voluntary associations of citizens are obliged to assist the State Commission on Drug Control in solving the tasks assigned to it. For example, the retail price for 1 gram of opium is fixed at around USD 1. It provides criminal penalties for the illegal purchase, transportation, or storage without the purpose of selling of narcotics or psychotropic substances in large quantities. Nargiza Muratalieva. Бессмертный полк. During the dispensary observation period the addicts should receive qualified medical assistance that should lead to long-term remission from their drug use. В региональной полевой оценке «Уязвимость мигрантов и потребности интеграции в Центральной Азии: Основные причины и социально-экономические последствия возвратной миграции», проведенной и опубликованной в году миссией МОМ ЦА и Библиотекой Первого Президента Республики Казахстан Назарбаев Центра в рамках программы ЮСАИД «Достоинство и права», был выявлен ряд факторов уязвимости, которым подвергались трудящиеся-мигранты до введения запретов на повторный въезд и после начала их применения; их можно разделить на правовые недостаточная информированность о своих правах и эксплуатация , экономические снижение доходов и долги и социально-культурные зависимость от неформальных социальных сетей в получении помощи. Trust points provide free access of the target group to free anonymous and confidential help. In the past four years, the volume seized from illegal drug trafficking has remained stable. Please submit your DMCA takedown request to dmca telegram. Евгений Гришковец. The proportion of opiates as the primary drug of registrants is decreasing in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, increasing in Kyrgyzstan, and remains rather stable in Tajikistan. In , opioids were the primary drug for

Analysis comparing the mortality rate among drug users removed from dispensary registration because of death with the mortality of the general population of the same gender and age Standardised Mortality Ratio — SMR found a death rate among drug users that was 1. Among the registered persons living with HIV 18, in and 21, in , the number and proportion of HIV-infected drug users were reduced from 6, Благодаря своей исторической традиции производства и обществом более менее контролируемого употребления опия Latypov, , Latypov et al. The trafficking of Afghan drugs and their transit through the territory of Tajikistan continue to be a major focus of drug abuse in the country.

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    2013 Regional Report on Drug Situation in Central Asia

    Данный факт необходимо объяснить, так как данные об урожае в Афганистане указывают на противоположное. Among the persons According to the rules applicable in all four CA countries that are the subject of this report, the persons who are registered should be examined regularly in outpatient facilities. В региональной полевой оценке «Уязвимость мигрантов и потребности интеграции в Центральной Азии: Основные причины и социально-экономические последствия возвратной миграции», проведенной и опубликованной в году миссией МОМ ЦА и Библиотекой Первого Президента Республики Казахстан Назарбаев Центра в рамках программы ЮСАИД «Достоинство и права», был выявлен ряд факторов уязвимости, которым подвергались трудящиеся-мигранты до введения запретов на повторный въезд и после начала их применения; их можно разделить на правовые недостаточная информированность о своих правах и эксплуатация , экономические снижение доходов и долги и социально-культурные зависимость от неформальных социальных сетей в получении помощи.

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  • There are more than 50 codes according to the approved N4 reporting form ; injecting drug users are tested under the code The proportion of opiates as the primary drug of registrants is decreasing in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, increasing in Kyrgyzstan, and remains rather stable in Tajikistan. In the event of continued drug use and the formation of drug dependence syndrome, the patient is transferred to dispensary registration 2.

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  • Если установлен диагноз наркозависимости на основании критериев Международной классификации болезней десятого пересмотра ICD , лицо в обязательном порядке подлежит диспансерной регистрации и так наз. Within the month dedicated against drug abuse, on the International Day against Drug Abuse over 1. Articles were published in newspapers and magazines and awareness was raised on three TV channels Channel One, Safina, and Jahonnamo and the Republican radio.

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    Долгосрочно повысилось количество контактов с ПИНами, а также количество розданных шприцев в Казахстане и Узбекистане — в двух странах, в отношении которых имеются данные уже с г. И гости пускались в пляс Рыцарский турнир Рыцарский турнир. Мастер и Маргарита. Prague: ResAd. In the event of a diagnosis of drug dependence, they are subject to regular medical checking and dynamic observation in outpatient substance abuse treatment units. Some of the interactive sessions of this programme are devoted to the prevention of drug use and the development of life skills. Latest data [Online]. During , contracts were made with patients; patients dropped out, completed the treatment. The Tashkent city drug clinic, in conjunction with the Department of Addiction of the Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Education, prepared an hour programme for teachers about the prevention and early detection of drug addiction in children and adolescents. Moreover, those people were counselled on HIV, sexually transmitted infections, the consequences of drug abuse, etc. Декларированная цель профилактического наблюдения — предотвращение развития наркозависимости. A largely inverse trend as compared to opiates can be observed in the proportion of registered users who have cannabis as their primary drug; it is increasing in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, decreasing in Kyrgyzstan, and negligible in Tajikistan. B Казахстане и в Узбекистане как общий коэффициент смертности, так и «SMR» в случае регистрированных наркопотребителей-женщин были существенно выше чем у мужчин. Starch-containing substances were found in just a few samples.

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    DAMOS исходит из международной стандартизированной методики Европейского мониторингового центра по наркотикам и наркозависимости European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addictions — EMCDDA , который, помимо прочего, помогает странам планировать и внедрять эффективные меры по противодействию нарко- тикам на основании научных знаний, а также передавать организациям ООН напр. Of these, were treated in hospital; persons received outpatient treatment; patients participated in the methadone substitution treatment, and 1, patients participated in rehabilitation programmes. Opiates are the most frequent primary drug of registered persons in all four CA countries approx. Preventive activities reached Similarly to the general global situation, the most widely available illegal drug the drug of which the population has the most common experience is cannabis, followed by abused solvents. Moreover, comprehensive measures aimed at the prevention of HIV infection and drug use among adolescents and young people were carried out 2. Героин в Средней Азии представляет главный опиат и заменил традиционное применение опия, которое преобладало в начале ых годов Zabransky et al. Svetlana Gorshenina. They yeh. Птица, парящая в клетке".

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    In , 3, new HIV cases were identified in it was , of whom were injecting drug users 5. Gulyamova Republican Clinical Centre of Addiction, where, by the end of , patients had received opioid substitution therapy.

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  • Она объединяет наркотики, изъятые в рамках сложных операций и изъятия, осуществленные таможенной службой, с акциями по уничтожению урожая дикого мака и дикой конопли в рамках местных «сельскохозяйственных» операций полиции, проводимых регулярно каждый год. Фестиваль красок Новгород. There is a similar 6-hour training programme for Mahalla activists on the prevention and early detection of drug abuse. In , С года начиная с дошкольного образования и заканчивая высшими учебными заведениями ВУЗ внедряется новая учебная дисциплина: самопознание, нравственно-духовное развитие личности. Главная Новости Происшествия Народные новости Цифры и факты. In , in Bishkek, Jalal-Abad, and Osh, and in areas of the Chui, Jalal-Abad and Osh oblasts 46 ONEs were operating, including 15 for syringe exchange in prisons 10 in correctional facilities and 2 in detention centres.

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  • В Казахстане предположение в два раза выше — указывает 7 ПИНов на тысячу жителей. World Economic Outlook Database. Mortality among regular or dependent users of heroin and other opioids: a systematic review and meta- analysis of cohort studies. Executive Summary The drug situation in four1 countries of Central Asia Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan is assessed using the best available data with acceptable reliability and validity. It describes specific measures for teachers in the event of the detection of drug consumption, the basic principles of drug prevention, work on a school drug dependence prevention programme, and interactive methods of prevention work with the students. List of Abbreviations. Interventions are implemented in a strict sequence, with the gradual transfer of the patient from inpatient to outpatient treatment. The prevalence of HCV was higher in persons over the age of 25 Thus, in , the number of new cases among women was 8. Discussion Papers. The purpose of BBS is the systematic and regular collection of information aimed at the study of the dynamics, factors in the spread of HIV infection in combination with the monitoring of risk behaviour in risk groups injecting drug users, commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men, etc. The methodology for the estimation of the number of IDUs has remained unchanged since 5. Drug prices have remained stable over the past three years and there have been almost no changes in the retail component. The Ministry of Health, represented by the National Addiction Centre and together with the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, has a number of preventive measures in the format of seminars, lectures, workshops, meetings, discussions, and events among students and school activists, in secondary and higher educational institutions, with the teaching staff of educational institutions, including health care workers working with the population, with employees of the House Committee, municipal governments, among educators, social care, justice, and law enforcement officers, and the judicial department and local authorities, including police officers, teachers, health workers, and psychologists working at the Centre for Rehabilitation and Adaptation. Несмотря на то, что Узбекистан докладывает высшее количество мест, где можно получить стерильные инъекционные материалы, здесь низшее количество обменянных шприцев на количество ПИНов, у которых есть контакт с программами по снижению вреда, а также на предполагаемое общее число ПИНов в стране. According to the results of the catamnesis,